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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

A Realistic View of Life

Fearing death is fruitless and only distracts us from our true life; shifting our focus to God helps us keep a realistic view on Earth.

December 6, 2021

Psalm 103:15-18

Our culture desperately tries to postpone death. Yet vitamins, exercise, and healthy diets will eventually prove futile because, as James 4:14 says, our life is “a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away.” We’ll all die, but believers have no reason to fear. In fact, the apostle Paul assures us that, far from being a dreadful change, physical death actually leads believers home to be with the Lord forever (2 Cor. 5:8).

Ultimately, none of us have control over the length of our life because all the days ordained for us have already been written in God’s book (Psalm 139:16). So the important issue is how we use the days He has allotted to us. As we share the Lord’s love near and far, we should remember our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20); we’re passing through this earthly life as travelers. If we become too comfortable here or seek to find our security and worth in worldly success, it won’t be possible to maintain an eternal perspective. 

Have you become distracted from the eternal by living for the temporal? The way to shift your focus heavenward is to know and love the One who dwells there. 

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